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| VENDORS The companies listed below have recently advertised, exhibited and/or sponsored with IADC.
A powerful resource in litigation for over 50 years, S-E-A is a multi-disciplined forensic engineering, fire investigation, product testing and visualization services company specializing in failure analysis. S-E-A offers a complete investigative service, including: marine, mechanical, biomechanical, electrical, civil and materials engineering, as well as fire investigation, industrial hygiene services, toxicology, visualization services and a fully equipped chemical laboratory. The company’s Health Sciences Practice is responsible for the testing of medical devices and provides analysis of surgical techniques. A Vehicle Dynamics division tests on- and off-road vehicles in addition to conducting autonomous vehicle testing and establishing industry standards. In addition, S-E-A may employ 3D laser scanners and drones to provide support. Should animations, graphics or medical illustrations be needed, S-E-A’s Imaging Sciences team can work closely with field staff to clearly depict what really happened. Together, these disciplines interact to provide thorough and independent analysis that will support any subsequent litigation.
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