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  • Home
  • IADC's 60TH ANNUAL MEETING (2 days)


  • September 06, 2024
  • September 07, 2024
  • Shore Lodge, McCall, Idaho
  • 12


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:


Hot Button Issues/Significant Decisions
Best Practices, Tips & Pitfalls by panel of district court judges
Ethics presentations on Civility and ChatGPT/AI by humorist-at-law Sean Carter
Idaho Ethics Update by Joe Pirtle
Expert Gatekeeping Under Rule 702 After the 2023 Amendments by Lee Mickus

PLUS:  Socializing with colleagues, spectacular scenery, golfing & more!

thanks to our premier sponsors

■   ■   


Nederveld Forensic Engineering & Fire Investigation

Vocational Diagnostics, Inc.

SEA, Ltd



Custer Agency

Roberts Forensic, LLC

ARV/M&M Reporting - Veritext

Integrated Medical Evaluations


Fri, Sept 6


Kick-off Lunch & Vinous Salute
Annual group photo of members - by fireplace at 1:15PM


   1:30PM  Membership Meeting  Upper


   2:15PM  Hot Button Issues / Significant Decisions*

 Round robin, interactive member discussion.  Moderated by
 Chris Graham-Brassey Crawford-Boise

   3:15PM  Break


 Best Practices, Tips & Pitfalls When Appearing in Idaho
 District Court*
 Presented by Hon. Javier Gabiola-Bannock County; Hon. Steven
 Hippler-Ada County & Hon. Barbara Duggan-
Shoshone County

   4:30PM  Break


 Nice Lawyers Finish First (Civility)*   
 It's been said that nice guys finish last. And while that might
 be true in the rough and tumble arenas of politics,
 professional prize fighting and marriage, nothing could be
 further from the truth in the practice of law.  Zealous 
 representation doesn't require us to be zealots. In fact, the
 most effective representation requires just the opposite.
 Nice lawyers finish first... and so do their clients!  Presented
 by Sean Carter, Legal Humorist

   5:45PM  CLE concludes

   6:00PM  Welcome Reception with hors d'oeuvres and live music.
 & Patio
   7:15PM  Dinner (on your own)

   *An application requesting 3.0 CLE credits (1.0 in Ethics) for the underlined activities above was approved by the Idaho State Bar.  

Sat, Sept 7

 8:00AM  Breakfast for IADC Members  Upper


 ChatOMG: The Ethical Pros & Cons of Using AI*    
ChatGPT and other AI generative language models are
 changing the way that we do business and practice law.  And
 while AI will not replace the need for lawyers in the
 foreseeable future, it will drastically change how lawyers go
 about plying their craft.  In this forward-looking webinar,
 legal humorist Sean Carter will give you a sneak preview of
 the ethical pros and cons of utilizing this game-changing
 technology. Presented by Sean Carter, Legal Humorist                                                                                                                 

 9:30AM  Break


Idaho Ethics Update*
Session will include a discussion of ethical trends and the recent formal discipline cases in Idaho. Presented by Joe Pirtle, Idaho State Bar

 10:45AM  Break


 Expert Gatekeeping Under Rule 702 After the 2023
 The 2023 amendments to Rule 702 are a major course
 correction.  The amendments were enacted because courts
 and litigants showed that they misunderstood the
 requirements of Rule 702.  This segment will address how
 amended Rule 702 seeks problematic approaches that
 previously had been used habitually, how courts have
 responded to the changes, and how litigants should adapt
 their practices to better align with the new rule. Presented by
 Lee Mickus, Evans Fears Schuttert McNulty Mickus LLP-Denver

 12:00PM  CLE concludes

 12:15PM  IADC Golf Tournament at Whitetail - Check-in by 12:15PM;
 scramble format; modified shotgun start at 12:45PM. 
 Tournament coordinator:  Tyler J. Anderson, Hawley Troxell-

   6:30PM  Reception & President's Dinner with live music.  Shuttle
 to/from Whitetail will be available.  SHUTTLE RUNS:  6:15-
 7:15PM; 8:30-9:30PM

  *An application requesting 3.0 CLE credits (2.0 in Ethics) for the underlined activities above was approved by the Idaho State Bar.  


Sean Carter is a Harvard Law graduate, who spent a decade practicing securities law before leaving the practice of law to pursue a career as the country's foremost Humorist at Law.

Since then, Mr. Carter has crisscrossed the country delivering comedic professional educational seminars for more than 350 legal organizations in three dozen states. His presentation topics run the gamut from legal ethics to stress management to diversity. Yet, all of his presentations have one thing in common -- humor and plenty of it.

In fact, in 2003, Mr. Carter was dubbed "America's Funniest Lawyer" by The Radio and Television Interview Report.

Finally, Sean lives in Mesa, Arizona with his wife and four sons.

No photo
on file
Hon. Barbara Duggan is a native of Boise, Idaho and graduated from Boise High School, the University of Washington and the University of Idaho College of Law.  She currently serves as a District Judge in the First Judicial District, with resident chambers in Wallace, Idaho.  She manages district court calendars in Shoshone, Benewah and Kootenai Counties. 

Judge Duggan previously served as the Shoshone County Magistrate for five years before her appointment to the district bench.  Prior to becoming a judicial officer she served as a deputy prosecuting attorney in Ada, Kootenai and Twin Falls Counties.  She also taught public speaking and writing courses at Treasure Valley Community College, was the Director of Forensics in the Communication Department at Boise State University and served as a temporary, part-time staff attorney to U.S. District Judge Edward J. Lodge. 

No photo on file

The Hon. Javier Gabiola will replace Judge Carnaroli on the panel.   

Judge Gabiola was raised in the “Back 40” of rural Kuna, Idaho, home of the Kuna Kavemen (yes, with a K).  After graduating high school in 1989, he became a member of the brave and bold Vandal Tribe at the University of Idaho, receiving a degree in Political Science and subsequent law degree.  While in law school, he worked as a public defender for the Coeur d’Alene Tribe, and also handled civil cases in Latah County.

After graduating law school, Judge Gabiola left the Palouse and returned to the Treasure Valley to practice law for a few years.  Thereafter, he relocated to Pocatello, with a practice primarily in civil litigation for 23 years.  He retired from Cooper & Larsen in February, 2020 upon his appointment to the bench by Governor Little.

When not on the bench, he spends as much time as he can throwing an amalgam of metal, bird feathers and hair to wild trout at super-secret water venues in beautiful East Idaho.

Chambered in Boise, the Hon. Steven Hippler serves as the Administrative District Judge for Idaho’s Fourth Judicial District (2020-present). He attended the University of Utah’s S.J. Quinney College of Law School of Law, from which he graduated Order of the Coif in 1991.  Judge Hippler spent over 20 years in private practice as a partner in two leading Idaho law firms. His trial practice focused on medical malpractice defense and complex civil litigation. In addition, he was a leader in health care regulatory compliance law in Idaho.

In 2013, after a merit selection process, Idaho’s governor appointed Steve to the district bench. In addition to his general civil and felony caseload (2013-present), he also presided over Ada County’s mental health treatment court (2015-2020). He is a member of the Idaho Supreme Court’s Administrative Conference, the Idaho Supreme Court’s Civil Rules Committee, the Jury Committee, and the Idaho Supreme Court’s Civil Justice Reform Task Force. Judge Hippler frequently lectures to the bar and annually teaches evidence to new judges.

Lee Mickus is a partner in the Denver office of Evans Fears Schuttert McNulty Mickus LLP. He defends manufacturers and other business interests nationally in product liability and tort lawsuits.  He has successfully tried cases to verdict in Colorado, Texas, California, New York, Florida, Montana, Arkansas, and several other states. 

He is Co-Chair of the Lawyers for Civil Justice Rule 702 committee supporting the recent Rule 702 amendment, and in that capacity has written articles, given presentations to judges and lawyers, provided comments and submissions, and testified to the Advisory Committee on Evidence Rules about the need for these revisions.  He has also presented to the Advisory Committee on Civil Rules and testified before several state legislatures on bills affecting a wide range of civil justice issues.

Joseph N. Pirtle joined Bar Counsel’s office in April 2022. Before then, Joe was a shareholder and civil litigation attorney with Elam & Burke in Boise. Joe received his B.S. in Business Finance from the University of Idaho in 2001 and his J.D. from the University of Idaho College of Law in 2004.

Joe was a member of the inaugural class of the Idaho Academy of Leadership for Lawyers, and later served for three years on its steering committee. He is a past chairperson of the ISB Litigation Section as well as a mentor for the Idaho Trial Skills Academy. Joe served many years as a member of the Idaho Lawyer Assistance Program and was pro bono counsel to the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline for many years.

501 W Lake St, McCall, ID
Make your reservations ASAP!

Call 800.657.6464 and ask for a room in the
“Idaho Association of Defense Counsel Room Block.”

Based upon availability, room rates range from $179-419 per night, plus 15% room tax, depending upon date, room type, location & availability. In addition, there is a $25 per day Resort fee. All reservations must be guaranteed and accompanied by a first night room deposit or guaranteed with a major credit card. Any reservation cancelled within 30 days of arrival will be charged the first night’s room and tax.  NOTE:  Check-in time is 3PM; check-out time is 11:00AM



Enjoy your Saturday afternoon in McCall by spending time with your colleagues on Whitetail Club's award-winning golf course.  Scramble format.

Pre-register now ($190 green/tournament fee). Check-in is at 12:15PM, with modified shotgun start at 12:45PM. Tournament prizes will be presented at Saturday night’s dinner.

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